Aurora ISO 50 - 36 EXP.
Aurora ISO 50 - 36 EXP. - buy online
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Aurora ISO 50 - 36 EXP. - Haluro de Clara
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Aurora ISO 50 - 36 EXP.

$35.00 USD

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Experimental film 35mm ISO 50, 36 Exposures. Film Soup technique.


A manually intervened film intended to awaken in each of us the spark of divine light and creative nature within. To start observing beyond the vision.

Effects: violet, blue, pink, green or yellow tones, with dazzling dots. The effects may vary slightly from batch to batch due to the intervention technique.



  • Do not force more than one point.
  • Use it preferably in manual cameras.
  • Requires manual development - check with your lab if they work with Film Soup.
  • Do not use dust removal technologies when digitizing.